The Misty Isles
Map Data
Player | Enemy | NPC |
13+2 | 27+25 | 0 |
Boss Data
ScottLevel 3
Class | Inventory |
HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Con |
47 | 15 | 11 | 13 | 6 | 12 | 3 | 15 |
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Obtainable Items
Item | Source |
Visit the left of the two northern villages (cannot obtain the below Restore, and the player will go to the northern A route for the next two chapters) | |
Visit the right of the two northern villages (cannot obtain the above Killer Bow, and the player will go to the western B route for the next two chapters) | |
Visit the southern village | |
Vulnerary x4 | Steal from various enemies and Fir |
Antitoxin x12 | Steal from various enemies (including reinforcements) |
Shop | Items/Price |
Armory |
Vendor |
- On the turn 2 enemy phase: Fir and Sin spawn on the left side of the map (Appendix 1).
- On the enemy phase for turns 12 to 20: 3 Pirates spawn from the forts (Appendix 2).
- This map has a unique route split condition. There are two villages in the northeastern corner, and visiting one of them will cause the other to close. Visiting the left village takes you to A route for chapters 10 and 11, whereas the right village takes you to B route. Not visiting either will result in A route.
- This map has fog of war, with a default sight distance of 5 tiles.
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