The Binding BladeThe Binding Blade

Gaiden Requirements

A list of all gaiden chapters and their requirements.

List of Gaiden Requirements

8xLilina must survive Chapter 8.
10A and 11AVisit the left northeastern village in Chapter 9.
10B and 11BVisit the right northeastern village in Chapter 9.
12xFinish Chapter 12 in 20 turns or less. Elffin must also be alive if B route was taken for Chapters 10 and 11.
14xFinish Chapter 14 in 25 turns or less and keep Sophia alive.
16xDouglas must survive Chapter 16.
17A to 20AShanna and Thea's combined gained experience is greater than or equal to Sue and Sin's combined gained experience at the end of Chapter 16x.
17B to 20BSue and Sin's combined gained experience is greater than Shanna and Thea's combined gained experience at the end of Chapter 16x.
20AxFinish Chapter 20A in 25 turns or less. Zelot and Juno must both be recruited and alive.
20BxFinish Chapter 20B in 25 turns or less. Sue, Sin, Dayan must be all be recruited and alive.
21xFinish Chapter 21 in 30 turns or less. Melady and Zeiss must both be recruited and alive.
23 to FinalGo to all previous gaiden chapters. Keep all Divine Weapons and the Binding Blade unbroken by the end of Chapter 22.
The Binding BladeThe Binding Blade